Healing Hands : NGOs for Domestic Violence in India


Domestic violence in India is a harsh reality, happening often behind closed doors and out of sight of the general public. Every day, a silent conflict takes place in some of the homes of India, which frequently goes unseen by the outside world. Domestic abuse remains a widespread issue that spans across class, caste, and religion boundaries and is a harsh reality for far too many individuals. This blog highlights the selfless work of NGOs for domestic violence in India, groups that serve as glimmering lights of hope for victims of domestic violence.

NGOs are playing a crucial role in providing essential and immediate care, raising awareness, and bringing about change even though the problem frequently remains undetected owing to societal shame. While NGOs are essential, there must be a coordinated effort to eradicate domestic abuse in India. Equally significant are governmental action, cultural attitude shifts, and educational programs. It's important to urge survivors to break their muteness, ask for support, and realize they are not alone in this.

The Grim Reality: Domestic Violence Rate in India

Let's delve into the glaring statistics and indisputable facts that reveal the disturbing extent of domestic violence in India. These data give a peek into the difficulties that survivors confront on a daily basis, emphasizing the critical importance of NGOs' focused work in this area:

  • The National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) reports that nearly one in three women in India has experienced physical or sexual violence from their spouse.
  • In the year 2022, nearly 7000 cases of domestic abuse were filed by women.
  • NFHS data show that more than 85% of married women who are victims of domestic violence do not seek help.
  • Some of the states in India, including Bihar and Karnataka have the highest rate of domestic violence - amounting to more than 40%; but there is substantial underreporting too.
  • Nearly 13% of women have faced the wrath of domestic abuse during pregnancy.

Domestic Violence - Reasons Behind the Gruesome Act

Understanding the underlying reasons for domestic violence in India is critical for treating and avoiding it. Comprehensive actions, such as legislation reforms, awareness campaigns, educational programs, and survivor support services, are required to create a safer and more equal society. Domestic violence is a complex issue in India, influenced by a wide range of social, cultural, economic, and psychological variables. The following are some of the factors that contribute to domestic violence in India:

  • India has a deeply rooted patriarchal system of society, in which male members of the family typically exert authority and influence in the home. Gender disparity and male supremacy can lead to women's subjection, with a general notion, "I am a man, which makes me superior to women".
  • Traditional and orthodox cultural norms and practices, such as dowry in weddings, can lead to power inequalities and violence against women. Dowry-related conflicts sometimes turn violent, and even long-standing.
  • Financial issues and dependence on the abuser can keep victims trapped in abusive relationships. A lack of financial independence may hinder survivors from leaving abusive partners or even seeking counseling and help.
  • Alcohol and other substance addictions can worsen violent behaviors. A person's inhibitions may be reduced when under the influence, leading to more frequent and intense outbursts of aggression.
  • Survivors may avoid reporting abuse or seeking help because they might be afraid of societal judgment and stigma. In many societies, divorce, separation, or even reporting abuse is considered disgraceful. People with an orthodox mindset end up commenting - "it must be your mistake; you must have done something wrong to provoke the behavior".
  • A lack of knowledge and awareness about legal rights and protective measures might leave survivors feeling helpless. Many people are uninformed of their legal privileges. Insufficient enforcement of laws related to domestic violence can bolster abusers and prevent survivors from seeking legal protection.
  • Inadequate access to shelters, counseling, legal help, and other forms of support might discourage survivors from leaving abusive situations. While urban dwellers may still have access to these services, people in villages and rural areas are far behind. Abusers may cut victims off from their social networks, making it more difficult for them to seek therapy or escape an abusive circumstance.

The Role of NGOs: A Beacon of Hope

At Give Discover, we are standing, hand in hand, with the strongest and most determined NGOs that are dedicating themselves to the upliftment of those who have gone through gruesome acts of domestic violence. Be it women, children, or the elderly, we leave no stone unturned, and no one is denied help. NGOs in India have stepped into the breach, providing a lifeline to the domestic violence victims and working tirelessly to address this complex issue. Here are some of the ways they carry out this noble act:

  • NGOs provide safe shelters and basic needs where victims of domestic abuse can find safety, away from violent situations, and receive prompt aid.
  • They provide legal assistance, helping the victims through the complex legal system, helping them in submitting complaints, and taking legal action against the abusers.
  • NGOs offer counseling services that support the emotional recovery and restoration of domestic violence victims. They also conduct interventions and programs for rehabilitation that provide survivors with the tools they need to become self-sufficient.
  • NGOs conduct public education campaigns to shred the cultural beliefs that support domestic abuse. These programs foster free expression of issues and give victims the confidence to ask for help.
  • A lot of NGOs focus on collaborating with law enforcement agencies, medical professionals, and local authorities to make the general public aware of the warning signs of domestic abuse and how to react appropriately.
  • They aggressively advocate for domestic abuse policy changes against domestic violence against women in India and enforce stronger implementation of existing laws, aiming for more widespread legal frameworks.
  • In addition to offering emergency assistance, NGOs empower survivors by giving them access to education, vocational training, and life skills, which drops the likelihood of recurrent violence.

NGOs for Domestic Violence: The Beacons Of Hope And Positivity

In the face of the disturbing issue of domestic violence, here are some NGOs that demonstrate the power of compassion, resilience, and collective action. They offer hope and support to those who have endured unimaginable pain -

  • My Choices Foundation: Hyderabad-based My Choices Foundation focuses on ending gender-based violence and human trafficking. They empower women and children through education, awareness, and support services, championing their right to live free from violence. Its approach involves educating individuals who are at risk, empowering women and girls to bring a change in their communities, and fostering a supportive environment for victims and their families.
  • Kshamata: Kshamata, a Thane-based NGO for domestic violence, is committed to the rehabilitation and empowerment of survivors of human trafficking and violence. They provide a safe haven, education, and vocational training to help survivors regain control of their lives. The organization's programs namely Sahayog, Saksham, Swaadheen, and Samudyam are intended to help the victims gain independence, support their progress, and make useful services accessible to them.
  • Pahal Jan Sahyog Vikas Sansthan: Indore-based Pahal Jan Sahyog Vikas Sansthan focuses on community development, education, and healthcare of the underprivileged. The organization actively participates in projects to educate people about the Domestic Violence Act of 2005, help the victims, and aid in legislation promoting gender equality. They also provide counseling to those who have experienced domestic abuse and harassment and assist them in contacting lawyers, police, women's and children's development specialists, and protection officers.
  • Empowering Humanity: Empowering Humanity is committed to advancing the rights of understated groups in society. Their activities, which support the overall growth of the community, vary from education and skill development to healthcare. They aim to tackle issues including poverty, starvation, elder homelessness, child labor, domestic abuse, sexual harassment, and women's empowerment.
  • Agni Raksha: Agni Raksha is an NGO dedicated to burning survivors, providing medical care, rehabilitation, and support for their reintegration into society. They offer a lifeline to survivors of burn accidents, including cases of domestic violence, helping them rebuild their lives. They have expanded their reach and techniques in response to new difficulties and requirements, ensuring the comprehensive rehabilitation of burn victims.

As we reflect on their critical work, let us remember that change is possible and that by working together, we can create a future in which every individual, regardless of gender, lives a life free of fear and violence. It's a collaborative journey toward a more equal and compassionate society, and let's be a part of this noble quest by donating through Give Discover!